The streaming k-means works by building a sketch of the data which is then
used to do real clustering.

It might be that this sketch would be acceptable to do k-medoids, but that
is definitely not guaranteed.

Similarly, it might be possible to build a medoid sketch instead of a mean
based sketch, but this is also unexplored ground.

The virtue of the first approach (using a m-means sketch as input to
k-medoids) would be that it would make the k-medoids scalable.

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Marko Dinic <>

> Hello everyone,
> I have an idea and I would like to get a validation from community about
> it.
> In Mahout there is an implementation of Streaming K-means. I'm interested
> in your opinion would it make sense to make a similar implementation of
> Streaming K-medoids?
> K-medoids has even bigger problems than K-means because it's not scalable,
> but can be useful in some cases (e.g. It allows more sophisticated distance
> measures).
> What is your opinion about implementation of this?
> Best regards,
> Marko

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