Mahout in Action is out of date and the code mentioned is being deprecated. 
Many of the examples don’t run anymore.

These days we run on more modern compute platforms like Spark. For the latest 
Mahout Recommender you can start with the Command Line Interface to 
spark-itemsimilarity and integrated it with Solr or Eleasticsearch. Or you can 
pickup a fully integrated end-to-end solution linked below;
Building a recommender with Mahout: 
Mahout spark-itemsimilarity: 
Universal Recommender from ActionML: 
The UR is built on PredictionIO ML Framework here:

On Apr 6, 2016, at 3:15 AM, Rohit Jain <> wrote:

Hello everyone,
I am newbie to Apache Mahout. I am using Apache mahout 0.11.2. So to give it a 
try I created java class called which is attached in 
attachment and I managed to run same code from command line as  
java -cp n.jar f.SampleReccommender n_lib/wishlistdata.txt
Now from what I read on the internet and book "Mahout in action" I understood 
that same code can be run on hadoop by using following commands.
first i need to include my into existing 
apache-mahout-distribution-0.11.2/mahout-mr-0.11.2-job.jar. So I followed 
following procedure.
jar uf 

then i tried running mahout job using following command
bin/hadoop jar 
/Users/rohitjain/Documents/apache-mahout-distribution-0.11.2/mahout-mr-0.11.2-job.jar  -i 
/input/wishlistdata.txt -o  /output/  --recommenderClassName \ 

But it gives me an error as :

Unexpected --recommenderClassName while processing Job-Specific Options:

I tried above command based on the syntax given "mahout in action" book which 
is as mentioned below 

hadoop jar mahout-core-0.5-job.jar \ \ 
-Dmapred.input.dir=input/ua.base.hadoop \ -Dmapred.output.dir=output \ 
--recommenderClassName \ 

Am I doing anything wrong ? Also tell me whether the code I used for standalone 
implementation same can be  be used for recommenderJobs or it requires all 
together different implementation?

Thanks & Regards,
Rohit Jain
Web developer | Consultant
Mob +91 8097283931

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