I'm trying to refactor the Mahout dependency from the pom.xml of the Spark
interpreter (adding Mahout integration to Zeppelin)

Assuming MAHOUT_HOME is available, I see that the jars in source build live
in a different place than the jars in the binary distribution.

I'm to the point where I'm trying to come up with a good place to pick up
the required jars while allowing for:
1. flexability in Mahout versions
2. Not writing a huge block of code designed to scan several conceivable
places throughout the file system.

One thought was to put the onus on the user to move the desired jars to a
local repo within the Zeppelin directory.

Wanted to open up to input from users and dev as I consider this.

Is documentation specifying which JARs need to be moved to a specific
directory and places you are likely to find them to much to ask of users?

Other approaches?

For background, Zeppelin starts a Spark Shell and we need to make sure all
of the required Mahout jars get loaded in the class path when spark starts.
The question is where do all of these JARs relatively live.

Thanks for any feedback,

Trevor Grant
Data Scientist

*"Fortunate is he, who is able to know the causes of things."  -Virgil*

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