Fixing some typos and mistyping:

Hi All,

Ive finished RC4 of Apache Mahout 0.14.  Unfortunately Right off the bat, I can 
see an issue, which will require a new RC (only SHA-1) checksums have been 
included.  Apache requires at least sha256.  So I will -1 it myself.  I'd drop 
it and fix that now, but its late.

Please bear with me as this is a completely new structure of the project, which 
required almost a complete rewrite of all poms, as well as my first time acting 
as release engineer.

@PMC,  As I've already this RC is invalid,  I don't think that a vote is 
necessary, but if you all could take a look through this, and let me know if 
you see any issues, from trivial to major, it would be a great help in getting 
this release out the door finally.  I'm going to take a page out of Suneels 
book and ask for certain tasks that we need to get get RC5 down hopefully to 
just running tests.

        resolver: [1]
        artifacts: [2]

@r<>awkintrevo, I know that you needed binaries, 
could you please try to resolve artifacts that you need and give them a spin, 
and  if you have time check to see if the binary distribution. tar.gz contains 
all the necessary?

@pat<> could you please see if the 2.11 artifacts 
suit your specific needs (and work)?

@akm could you please  give a once over (or twice, or thrice over if you have 
time) and see if there are any gaping, obvious issues, especially with the 
binary and source release artifacts, as well could you please let me know about 
the new structure (releasing 2.11 and 2.12 in the same repo), and if it seems 
to work?

I'll have to concentrate my limited time, this week, on squashing these last 
couple of bugs.

@all please let me know if the structure seems to work.

If anyone has a quick script to verify the sigs it would  be useful but that's 
probably best saved for RC5.

As well I've used the naming scheme used by SBT:

                       ${module_name}_{scala.major.minor}-{mahout version}

Please keep an eye out for any transpositions between ${scala.major.minor} and 
${mahout version}.

Both SBT and maven should have no issue resolving these artifacts (I tested 
maven only in an earlier RC).

It is  late, and I've done no testing other than running tests before i cut 
this RC, nor have i looked closely at any of the artifacts, so anything that 
seems out of the ordinary, Please take note of

There still are still issues with releasing that i have to fix, I.e  the 
maven-release-plugin is not functioning correctly (I believe, haven't fully 
tracked down the bug) these artifacts were .  its a new issue since RC3 and 
there have been very few changes since then, it may be as simple as some 
spacing in the pom (first few answers i found when searching.  The issue may be 
with the formatting of the XML itself.  I'll try to track this down as when I 
get back to it.  And as I mentioned, the release:perform goal failed, when run 

             $ mvn clean package install -DskipTests -Papache-release 

I will try to create a Jirass for these issues, (release failing and sha1) I'm 
not sure how much work I'll be able to do on this next week or over the 
weekend.  The release instructions have changed slightly and I will document 
these in the Jiras or on the PR with the new required ~/.m2/settings.xml.

I will be on and offline for the next few days, so @akm, if you want to release 
before i get back to this, I'll finish documenting the release steps in either 
the Jira, or the PR that I sent to you yesterday [3].

If we run these few smoke tests, and sanity checks (and as many more as anyone 
has time for), it will go a long way in raising the probability of RC5 being 
the final.

Of course, as always, any testing and feedback is welcomed and greatly  
appreciated from anyone on the list.

Thanks very much,



It seems that the RC was not assigned a test number for the the artifacts [4]. 


This should not be an issue, as there is no other version 14.1 in maven central 
or other repos, nor are there a scala 2.11 or 2.12 versions of anything [4].  
However if you've tried testing a 14.1 RC before, please remember to use the -U 
option when building, or clear out your ~/.m2 ./repository.


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