Wow, i am curious who are the conspirators.
“Happy hour some week soon, invite collaborators and conspirators”


On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 00:54 Andrew Musselman <> wrote:

> Community meeting minutes posted at
> Meeting Minutes
> 2024-03-20 08:00:00 +0000
> Weekly community meetingAttendees
>    - Trevor Grant
>    - Tommy Naugle
> Old Business
>    1. Happy hour some week soon, invite collaborators and conspirators
>    2. Drop this meeting time from two hours to a half hour
>    3. Coordinate on JIRA
>       - Web site cleanup (~210 broken links fixed out of ~220, tommy
>       continuing)
>       - Continued qumat data structure work (tommy in flight, akm to
> review)
>    4. Ask INFRA to help us make sure PRs are defaulting to main instead of
>    trunk (akm) (done)
>    5. Kernel method research spike:
>    6. Make ticket to add notebooks to notebooks directory in source tree (
>    7. Add execute method to qumat
>    8. Rebuild JIRA - now that we have wiped it clean, on the qumat side
>    anyway, lets start grooming tasks into the appropriate
>    components/releases/etc (todo)
>       - Including adding filters to all boards so only those tickets show
>       up (todo)
> New Business
>    1. Tommy is working on making a docker container for previewing website
>    builds
>    2. Trevor is pivoting from kernel research into implementing POC for
>    cirq ie the 9 gates and circuit execute
> Other Business

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