Hi Karl,
We had installed the shaterpoint plugin, and access properly http:/server/

[image: image.png]

Sharepoint has more than 20,000 documents, but when execute the jon only
extract these 20,000. How Can I check where is the issue?


Jorge Alonso Garcia

El jue., 19 dic. 2019 a las 12:52, Karl Wright (<daddy...@gmail.com>)

> By "stop at 20,000" do you mean that it finds more than 20,000 but stops
> crawling at that time?  Or what exactly do you mean here?
> FWIW, the behavior you describe sounds like you may not have installed the
> SharePoint plugin and may have selected a version of SharePoint that is
> inappropriate.  All SharePoint versions after 2008 limit the number of
> documents returned using the standard web services methods.  The plugin
> allows us to bypass that hard limit.
> Karl
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 6:37 AM Jorge Alonso Garcia <jalon...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have an isuse with sharepoint connector.
>> There is a job that crawl a sharepoint 2016, but it is not recovering all
>> files, it stop at 20.000 documents without any error.
>> Is there any parameter that should be change to avoid this limitation?
>> Regards
>> Jorge Alonso Garcia

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