Hi Whitney I would have a look at this github issue where I work through
some of my jenkins mesos-plugin issues with Vinod.  Might be some of the
same issues you are seeing.


On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Whitney Sorenson <wsoren...@hubspot.com>wrote:

> Hi all!
> I am trying to get the Jenkins Mesos plugin functioning. I was able to get
> it installed on our Jenkins master.
> However, it's unclear if there are any required steps for setting up the
> slaves. When a framework task is launched, it fails instantly and there are
> no logs in the runs folder.
> Here's a gist with relevant logs from the slave:
> https://gist.github.com/wsorenson/b3562c3e4a8992f9a46f/raw/ea5821c442d826456291330452208d8d7ac8418f/failing+jenkins+logs
> Any help on how to debug? At first, I thought maybe we needed slave.jar or
> something but it looks like it's trying to fetch that from the master using
> the URIs. To clarify, I have done no special jenkins related setup (as per
> readme.md) on any of the slaves.
> -Whitney

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