On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 9:14 PM, Ankur Chauhan <an...@malloc64.com> wrote:

> Thanks everyone for all the help.
> Marathon does seem like a good framework but my use case requires the app
> to evaluate it's own health and scale up based on internal load stats (SLA
> requirements) and I don't know if marathon supports that. This is the main
> reason why i am looking at building out my own scheduler/executor. I will
> give another go with Vinod's comments and have a look at the hadoop
> scheduler.
> Just a recommendation to any mesos experts out there, it would be super
> helpful if there was a complete mock app with annotated code somewhere.
> Another good page on the website would a good FAQ page.
> I am still pretty n00b as far as mesos is concerned, so, pardon any stupid
> comments/suggestions/questions.

Apologies are not necessary! Questions like these are great for creating a
public discussion for others to learn from, especially given the current
lack of a FAQ document. Please reach out with further questions if you have

> -- Ankur
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Abhishek Parolkar <abhis...@parolkar.com
> > wrote:
>> @Ankur,
>>   In case Marathon looks like direction you want to go with, I have a
>> small demo in here if that helps
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YWVGMuMTrg
>>   -parolkar
>> On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 2:10 AM, Vinod Kone <vinodk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I can't really find an example that is an end-to-end use case. By that I
>>>> mean, I would like to know how to put the scheduler and the executor in the
>>>> correct places. Right now I have a single jar with can be run from the
>>>> command line: java -jar target/collector.jar and that would take care of
>>>> everything.
>>>> This collector.jar can act as both scheduler and executor, presumably
>>> based on command line flags? If yes, thats certainly doable. Typically the
>>> scheduler and executor are split into separate jars. This makes it easy to
>>> decouple the upgrade of scheduler and executor.
>>>> My current train of thought is that the webapp jar would stay somewhere
>>>> on an S3 url and the "CollectorScheduler" would "somehow" tell a mesos
>>>> slave to run the "CollectorExecutor" which in turn fetch the jar from S3
>>>> and run it.
>>> Yes, you are on the right track. Mesos slave can download the jar for
>>> you as long as it could be accessed via (http://, https://, ftp://,
>>> hdfs:// etc). This is how you do it:
>>> When you launch a task from the scheduler via 'launchTaks()' you give it
>>> a 'vector<TaskInfo>' as one of the arguments. Since you are using a custom
>>> executor you should set 'TaskInfo.ExecutorInfo' (see mesos.proto) to point
>>> to your executor. To specify the S3 URL you would set
>>> 'TaskInfo.ExecutorInfo.CommandInfo.URI.value'. To tell slave the command to
>>> launch the executor after it downloads the the executor, you would set
>>> 'TaskInfo.ExecutorInfo.CommandInfo.value'.
>>> You can find some examples here:
>>> Hadoop 
>>> scheduler<https://github.com/mesos/hadoop/blob/master/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/mapred/ResourcePolicy.java>
>>> Example Java scheduler 
>>> <https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/master/src/examples/java/TestFramework.java>
>>> Hope that helps. Let us know if you have additional questions.
>>> Vinod

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