Should have said, the CLI for this is :

/usr/local/sbin/mesos-slave --master=zk://
--log_dir=/var/log/mesos --ip= --work_dir=/var/mesos

(note IP is specified, hostname is not - docs indicated hostname arg
will default to the fqdn of host, but it appears to be using the value
passed as 'ip' instead.)

On 18 June 2014 12:00, Dick Davies <> wrote:
> Hi, we recently bumped 0.17.0 -> 0.18.2 and the slaves
> now show their IPs rather than their FQDNs on the mesos UI.
> This broke slave recovery with the error:
> "Failed to perform recovery: Incompatible slave info detected"
> cpu, mem, disk, ports are all the same. so is the 'id' field.
> the only thing that's changed is are the 'hostname' and webui_hostname
> arguments
> (the CLI we're passing in is exactly the same as it was on 0.17.0, so
> presumably this is down to a change in mesos conventions).
> I've had similar issues enabling CFS in test environments (slaves show
> less free memory and refuse to recover).
> is the 'id' field not enough to uniquely identify a slave?

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