Hi All,

Below are notes from yesterday's #MesosCon program committee meeting.



Dave Lester, Isabel Jimenez, Matt Trifiro

*Attendee/Registration Update*
Revised from what was discussed during the 7/24 meeting: as of today (July
25), there are 187 total MesosCon registrants: 96 MesosCon, 91 registered
for LinuxCon with the MesosCon add-on. There was previously an error in the
attendee reporting which inflated the number of LinuxCon attendees also
attending MesosCon; it was discovered this morning.

Many speakers and sponsors have yet to register for the event but intend
to, so we expect registration numbers to increase in the coming week.

*Sponsor Update*
No sponsorship updates this week; there are still opportunities including
the possibility of sponsoring a potential #MesosCon reception after day
one. [note: this reception will depend on support we receive] Interested
parties may contact Dave Lester (dles...@twitter.com) for more info.

*Schedule Update*
We discussed the session-to-session flow of the conference, and how we will
ensure that the program is balanced and approachable to both new and power
users. The program committee will continue to discuss over email,

Dave is reaching out to speakers on the program to do a quick sync; will
report back to the group in coming weeks.

*PR / Media*
Hackathon details/announcement have been announced:
and will be cross-posted to the Atlassian blog next week.

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