On 09/07/14 23:39, Vinod Kone wrote:
Hi James,

Great to see a Gentoo package for Mesos!

Regarding HDFS requirement, any shared storage (even just a http/ftp
server works) that the Mesos slaves can pull the executor from is enough.

Hello Vinod,

I'm looking for more specific advise on not only what to choose for a distributed File System, but some overarching guidance on why/how/where to look to figure out the gentoo_ish path for success. I think a big part of the entire distributed choices is that you either download binaries or things are written too general to be of use. If it does not work, I'll work on option B, C, D......

Since I want a lightening fast computation machine, where due to lots
of cells performing the exact same complex calculations over and over again, I'm guessing I need a high performance, open source, file system.

Specific suggestions? Syntax (even if another distro) or pseudo_syntax
or description of the steps (caveats?) is most encouraging.

"Mesos slaves can pull the executor from is enough" sounds very enticing, but I have no clue as to the choices or how to pursue any
of those choices. My background is EE/CS/math so I have tendencies
towards assembler and C. I find the whole OO paradigm very interesting,
so an overbearing guidance would be keen?


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