Thanks for writing this up Ben! I have a couple suggestions about additional 
details that could be helpful to explain.

First, could you go a little more in-depth about how this process works for 
terminated tasks? For example, how does reconciliation behave for tasks running 
on a slave that has become disconnected from the master? An overview of the 
various timeouts involved would also be really awesome.

Second, what happens when a framework attempts to reconcile a task that is 
completely unknown to Mesos? An example scenario could be that a task died, the 
terminal status update was ACKed, but the scheduler failed over before this 
information could be persisted. What task status (if any) does Mesos respond 
Connor Doyle

On Oct 15, 2014, at 14:05, Benjamin Mahler <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've sent a review out for a document describing reconciliation, you can see 
> the draft here:
> Would love to gather high level feedback on it from framework developers. 
> Feel free to reply here, or on the review:
> Thanks!
> Ben

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