Hi David,
Thanks for your suggestion. This approach sounds promising for what I need
to do. I'm going to have to try this out.



Janet Borschowa
CodeFutures Corporation

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 5:04 AM, David Greenberg <dsg123456...@gmail.com>

> One cool feature of the docker containerizer is that you can actually
> launch your executor inside the docker image, so that you can just layer
> the executor's custom logic on top of whatever container you desire. This
> way, you can more easily control what's happening in the docker image, and
> still leverage the containerizer.
> On Thursday, November 20, 2014, Tim Chen <t...@mesosphere.io> wrote:
>> Hi Janet,
>> Can you elaborate more what you like to get back from the docker
>> container that you launched?
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>> On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Tom Arnfeld <t...@duedil.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Janet,
>>> Oh sorry my mistake, I didn't read your email correctly, I thought you
>>> were using the containerizer. What you're doing here is actually going to
>>> be quite difficult to do, the mesos docker containerizer has some quite
>>> complex logic implemented to ensure the slave stays in sync with the
>>> containers that are running, and kills anything that goes rogue.
>>> It's going to be non-trivial for you to do that from the executor,
>>> though I guess you could make use of the docker events API or poll other
>>> endpoints in the API to check the status of your containers, and off the
>>> back of that send status updates to the cluster. Doing this however brings
>>> no guarantees that if your executor dies exceptionally (perhaps OOMd) the
>>> containers spawned will die... they'll keep running in the background and
>>> it'll be hard for you to know the state of your containers on the cluster.
>>> You probably want to be aware (if you don't know already) that the
>>> resource limits assigned to your tasks aren't going to be enforced by mesos
>>> because docker is running outside of its control. You'll need to pass the
>>> correct CPU/Memory limit parameters to your docker containers to ensure
>>> this happens correctly.
>>> Here are the docker API docs;
>>> https://docs.docker.com/reference/api/docker_remote_api_v1.15/
>>> Something you might want to consider, if all you're trying to do is
>>> allow your container access to details about itself (e.g `docker inspect`)
>>> is to open up the docker remote API to be queried by your containers on the
>>> slave, and switch to using the mesos docker containerizer.
>>> I hope that helps somewhat!
>>> Tom.
>>> --
>>> Tom Arnfeld
>>> Developer // DueDil
>>> (+44) 7525940046
>>> 25 Christopher Street, London, EC2A 2BS
>>> On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Janet Borschowa <
>>> janet.borsch...@codefutures.com> wrote:
>>>>  Hi,
>>>> I'm implementing an executor which is used by the mesos slave to launch
>>>> tasks. The tasks are to launch a docker container - this is because I need
>>>> more info about the launched container than what the docker containerizer
>>>> returns.
>>>> Is it OK to block in the executor's launchTask method until the task
>>>> completes? If not, how does the framework discover when that task
>>>> completes? I could spawn a process which notifies my executor when the task
>>>> completes and then have my executor send a status update. Or is there some
>>>> other recommended way to deal with this when the task could run for an
>>>> indefinite period of time before completing its work?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Janet
>>>> --
>>>>  Janet Borschowa
>>>> CodeFutures Corporation

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