Hi Micheal,

Yes I tested the tutorial and it works fine for testing. Later on I used
fleet to run mesos workers on all coreos machines too. I was wondering
how the landscape is looking in the community regarding coreos. As is
there any interest from community or mesos team to support coreos in
general. If yes the then how you see where Mesos fits in with Fleet,

My current understanding is that Fleet is useful for lightweight
scheduling, where as Mesos and kubernetes are kind of serving the
similar purpose. Mesos has been here for a while and more feature
complete than kubernetes. But Kubernetes has more tight integeration
with coreos like use etcd for co-ordination, flannel for networking. I
wonder what's the plan are when it comes to Mesos for such. I have seen
the JIRA for etcd (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-1806)

I understand that the landscape is changing fast but its good to know
about Mesos roadmap in this regard. Also would love to know if anybody
using Coreos with Mesos beyond testing.

On 03/09/2015 11:35 PM, Michael Park wrote:
> Hi Gurvinder,
> We got started on this work at Mesosphere and there's a tutorial
> <http://mesosphere.com/docs/tutorials/mesosphere-on-a-single-coreos-instance/>
> on
> how to do a single-node setup. We ran the mesos-master and slaves in
> docker containers which led to this JIRA ticket
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-2115>. I haven't been able
> to follow-up on this article recently, and I'd like to hear about others
> who have made further progress as well.
> At the time, we were thinking that using fleet shouldn't be too
> difficult since it uses the systemd unit files but didn't quite get
> around to it.
> Perhaps you'll find the tutorial to be a decent starting point.
> Thanks,
> MPark.
> On 9 March 2015 at 17:52, Gurvinder Singh <gurvinder.si...@uninett.no
> <mailto:gurvinder.si...@uninett.no>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I am wondering if anybody in the community has looked into or are
>     running mesos on top of coreos. I would be interested to hear out your
>     experiences around following areas
>     - Users management on coreos cluster and containers running with Mesos
>     - Are you using fleet to run mesos or run it as service in
> cloud-config
>     and don't use fleet at all
>     - Networking among hosts flannel or ?
>     - Any other interesting insights you found considering such setup
>     Thanks,
>     Gurvinder

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