Fellow Mesos-ers

Firstly, I am loving the speed of Mesos so far. I set up a cluster from
scratch and have been running docker applications with ease with mesos-dns
generating the SRV records. Now I am looking for a serious production setup
on AWS

I see few choices:

1) Start with linux machines, set up masters, zookeeper and slaves by
getting packages from the apt repo
2) Some how use the mesosphere docker images for
zookeeper/mesos-master/mesos-slave to bootstrap a cluster.

2) is a lot cleaner but none of the docker images have any sort of help. I
have to manually reverse engineer them. Before I invest in building my own
docker images and configuration. I wanted to ask if those public docker
images are even supported by the community, or if anyone is running a
similar setup in production? Experiences/notes will help.

Secondly, I am trying to choose between Marathon and Aurora as the
scheduler, Aurora has priority and is_production which is very attractive,
I would love if some of you can share notes about your experiences with


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