Hi. When attempting to run my scheduler inside a docker container in
--net=bridge mode it never receives acknowledgement or a reply to that
request. However, it works fine in --net=host mode. It does not listen on
any port as a service so does not expose any.

The scheduler receives the mesos master (leader) from zookeeper fine but
fails to register the framework with that master. It just loops trying to
do so - the master sees the registration but deactivates it immediately as
apparently it disconnects. It doesn't disconnect but is obviously
unreachable. I see the reason for this in the sendto() and the master log
file -- because the internal docker bridge IP is included in the POST and
perhaps that is how the master is trying to talk back
to the requesting framework??

Inside the container is this;
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN

This is not my code! I'm at a loss where to go from here. Anyone got any
further suggestions
to fix this?



Senior Code Pig
Industrial Light & Magic

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