
I am working on a framework for mesos, and I have a question about resource 
offers and executor resource requirements. We are using a long-lived executor, 
and one executor per slave. When the master re-offers a slave’s resources to 
the framework, and that slave already has an executor running on it, we see 
that the offer is for the slave’s resources minus the executor requirements.

However, when a slave does not have a running executor, obviously mesos does 
not take the executor’s requirements into account for that offer. This leads to 
some problems though, because if, for example, our slave has 1 cpu we would get 
an offer for 1 cpu. If we then launch a task with 1 cpu on that offer, mesos 
won’t run that task and sets it’s state to ‘TASK_ERROR’, with message 'Task 
uses more resources cpus(*)1.1 …. than available cpus(*)1’. Our executor uses 
0.1 cpu, so it seems like mesos aggregates the executor and the task 
requirements, but only if there is no executor currently running. 

My question is, is there an easy way to know if there is an executor currently 
running on a slave? It seems like we want to treat offers differently depending 
on wether the executor is already taken into account, but how can we tell? Is 
it up to our framework to keep track of this?


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