> On Sep 26, 2015, at 12:01 PM, Vaibhav Khanduja <vaibhavkhand...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> I am running into issues with build on my MAC - OSX … the configure scripts 
> complaints about libapr-1 not present. I was able to find a workaround by 
> passing configure with —with-apr option. Looks like the script checks for 
> variable to be valid shell variable, if not it is rejected.
> I was able workaround with having quotes and missing a “-“ for the variable
>  ../configure -disable-python --disable-java 
> "-with-apr=/usr/local/Cellar/apr/1.5.2/libexec/“
> the configure —help though suggests to use —with-apr

AFAICT you are supposed to use apr-1-config to fish out the libapr path when 
using Homebrew. I think that is would be reasonable for the Mesos build to just 
automatically use apr-1-config if it is present.

./configure --with-apr=$(apr-1-config --prefix)

> am I missing something here?
> Thx

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