Hi Jagadish,

Even though Mesos have the interface of "requestResources", it was not
implemented in the built-in allocator at the moment, so the call of
(resources);" will not work.

Is it possible that you update your framework logic as this:
1) framework get resoruce offer from mesos master
2) framework filter the resource offers based on its preferences

The problem for such solution is that the framework sometimes may not get
its preferred resources if the preferred resource was offered to other

Can you please file a JIRA ticket to request implement the API of
It would be great if you can append some background for your request so
that the community can evaluate how to move this forward.



On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 6:45 AM, Jagadish Venkatraman <jagadish1...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> I have fair experience in writing frameworks on Yarn. In the Yarn world,
> the amClient supports a method where I can specify the preferredHost with
> the resource request.
> Is there a way to specify a preferred host with the resource request in
> Mesos?
> I currently do:
> driver.requestResources (resources);
> I don't find a way to associate a preferred hostname with a resource
> request. A code sample will be really helpful. (for example, I want 1G mem,
> 1cpu core preferrably on host: xyz.aws.com )
> Thanks,
> Jagadish
> --
> Jagadish V,
> Graduate Student,
> Department of Computer Science,
> Stanford University

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