Oh, now I got it. To get path you need to query agent for it's state
with /slave(1)/state. In response you will get JSON. Path to sandbox is
stored in .frameworks[].executors[].directory.

śr., 10.08.2016 o 17:34 użytkownik June Taylor <j...@umn.edu> napisał:

> Tomek,
> I'm not sure I understand your suggestion. We know how to ask for a file
> from an HTTP endpoint, but it is the construction of the correct URL which
> is not currently clear.
> We are not sure how to determine the Run ID of the executor.
> Thanks,
> June Taylor
> System Administrator, Minnesota Population Center
> University of Minnesota
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Tomek Janiszewski <jani...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> If you need simplest method then python SimpleHTTPServer could help. Just
>> launch it in background before command you want to run, assign it port and
>> query sandbox with <agent ip>:<task port> that can be obtained from state
>> endpoint.
>> -
>> Tomek
>> śr., 10.08.2016 o 16:53 użytkownik June Taylor <j...@umn.edu> napisał:
>>> We are trying to retrieve the stdout and stderr files from an executor
>>> programmatically.
>>> It appears that these are available via HTTP request, however,
>>> constructing the correct URL is posing to be a challenge.
>>> Our scenario is:
>>> 1. Use mesos-execute to submit a job. A framework ID is available at
>>> this point.
>>> 2. Using the framework ID, one can inquire with mesos-state to determine
>>> which slave ID is executing the task.
>>> 3. Using the slave ID, one can inquire with mesos-state to find the
>>> hostname for that slave ID
>>> 4. HTTP can be used to ask the /browse/ endpoint for a file, however,
>>> there is an Executor ID which we cannot programmatically determine, to
>>> complete this URL.
>>> Please advise the simplest option for retrieving the sandbox files given
>>> the scenario starts with mesos-execute commands.
>>> Thanks!
>>> June Taylor
>>> System Administrator, Minnesota Population Center
>>> University of Minnesota

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