is based on the new HTTP API. I
think you could check out it.

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 7:38 AM, Tobias Pfeiffer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am just getting started with Mesos. My goal is to run some
> user-submitted code in a Docker container on my cluster. As per my
> understanding, I would need to write a Scheduler that submits some tasks to
> the Mesos cluster and tracks their process.
> I have discovered that I can write a Scheduler in an arbitrary language
> (Scala for me) using the Scheduler HTTP API <
> documentation/latest/scheduler-http-api/>. That page says "most scheduler
> developers should use a library for their language of choice that manages
> the details of the HTTP API" and links to <
> documentation/latest/api-client-libraries/>. (Note that that page doesn't
> mention "HTTP" anywhere except in the <title>.)
> The latter page lists a mesos-scala-api library <
> mesos-scala-api> provided by Nokia, but looking at the dependencies
> ( etc.), this is not actually using the HTTP API, is it? Also,
> the "Hello World" example from <>
> directly imports org.apache.mesos and works fine as is, so now I am a bit
> unsure about which is the way to write a Scheduler, using the "Hello World"
> approach, the Nokia library or write a client for the HTTP API myself. Any
> suggestions?
> Thank you,
> Tobias

Best Regards,
Haosdent Huang

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