
I'm quite happy with the current approach of bootstrapping a new agent 
with the location of zookeeper and a set of credentials.  This allows 
our automation code to make new agents join the cluster automatically.

Not that I'm opposed to the two step process you propose, I'm sure we 
can make that happen automatically as well, but aside from making mesos 
look more like other solutions, does it bring semantics that would be 
useful?  ie, are there actions that 'mesosadm init' would initiate?  Or 
would this be purely an interactive way to do the same things you can do 
now by seeding out config files?


On 13/12/16 05:14, tommy xiao wrote:
> Hi team,
> I came from china mesos community. in today's group discussion, we came
> across a topic: Howto enhance user's cluster experience?
> Because newcome user is top resource for a community. if we can enhance
> currently mesos cluster installation steps, it will help us fastly
> bootstrap in user community.
> why mesosadm?
> such as Swarm cluster setup steps:
> 1. docker init
> 2. docker join
> another kuberenetes 1.5 cluster setup steps:
> 1. kubeadm init
> 2. kubeadm join --token <token> <master-ip>
> So i think the init, join style is good experience for normal user. How
> about you think?
> --
> Deshi Xiao
> Twitter: xds2000
> E-mail: xiaods(AT)gmail.com <http://gmail.com>

Stephen Gran
Senior Technical Architect

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