Hi, what the docker command you use to start agents, I remember mesos would
try to recover containers which names start with mesos-slave and kill them
if could not recover successfully.

On Jan 13, 2017 8:43 AM, "Giulio Eulisse" <giulio.euli...@gmail.com> wrote:

MMm... it seems to die after a long sequence of forks, and mesos itself
seems to be issuing the sigkill. I wonder if it's trying to do some cleanup
and it does not realise one of the containers is the agent itself??? Notice
I do have `MESOS_DOCKER_MESOS_IMAGE=alisw/mesos-slave:1.0.1` set.

On 13 Jan 2017, 01:23 +0100, Giulio Eulisse <giulio.euli...@gmail.com>,


the only thing I could find is by running a parallel `docker events`

2017-01-13T01:18:20.766593692+01:00 network connect
32441cb5f42b009580e104a8360e544beec7120bb6fff800f16dbee421454267 (container=
name=host, type=host)
2017-01-13T01:18:20.846137793+01:00 container start
(build-date=20161214, image=alisw/mesos-slave:1.0.1, license=GPLv2,
name=mesos-slave, vendor=CentOS)
2017-01-13T01:18:20.847965921+01:00 container resize
(build-date=20161214, height=16, image=alisw/mesos-slave:1.0.1,
license=GPLv2, name=mesos-slave, vendor=CentOS, width=134)
2017-01-13T01:18:21.610141857+01:00 container kill
(build-date=20161214, image=alisw/mesos-slave:1.0.1, license=GPLv2,
name=mesos-slave, signal=15, vendor=CentOS)
2017-01-13T01:18:21.610491564+01:00 container kill
(build-date=20161214, image=alisw/mesos-slave:1.0.1, license=GPLv2,
name=mesos-slave, signal=9, vendor=CentOS)
2017-01-13T01:18:21.646229213+01:00 container die
(build-date=20161214, exitCode=143, image=alisw/mesos-slave:1.0.1,
license=GPLv2, name=mesos-slave, vendor=CentOS)
2017-01-13T01:18:21.652894124+01:00 network disconnect
32441cb5f42b009580e104a8360e544beec7120bb6fff800f16dbee421454267 (container=
name=host, type=host)
2017-01-13T01:18:21.705874041+01:00 container stop
(build-date=20161214, image=alisw/mesos-slave:1.0.1, license=GPLv2,
name=mesos-slave, vendor=CentOS)


On 13 Jan 2017, 01:06 +0100, haosdent <haosd...@gmail.com>, wrote:

Hi, @Giuliio According to your log, it looks normal. Do you have any logs
related to "SIGKILL"?

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 8:00 AM, Giulio Eulisse <giulio.euli...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I’ve a setup where I run mesos in docker which works perfectly when I use
> 0.28.2. I now migrated to 1.0.1 (but it’s the same with 1.1.0 and 1.0.0)
> and it seems to receive a sigkill right after saying:
> WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
> I0112 23:22:09.889120  4934 main.cpp:243] Build: 2016-08-26 23:06:27 by centos
> I0112 23:22:09.889181  4934 main.cpp:244] Version: 1.0.1
> I0112 23:22:09.889184  4934 main.cpp:247] Git tag: 1.0.1
> I0112 23:22:09.889188  4934 main.cpp:251] Git SHA: 
> 3611eb0b7eea8d144e9b2e840e0ba16f2f659ee3
> W0112 23:22:09.890808  4934 openssl.cpp:398] Failed SSL connections will be 
> downgraded to a non-SSL socket
> W0112 23:22:09.891237  4934 process.cpp:881] Failed SSL connections will be 
> downgraded to a non-SSL socket
> E0112 23:22:10.129096  4934 shell.hpp:106] Command 'hadoop version 2>&1' 
> failed; this is the output:
> sh: hadoop: command not found
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,130:4934(0x7f950503b700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@726: Client 
> environment:zookeeper.version=zookeeper C client 3.4.8
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,130:4934(0x7f950503b700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@730: Client 
> environment:host.name=XXXX.XXX.ch
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,130:4934(0x7f950503b700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@737: Client 
> environment:os.name=Linux
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,130:4934(0x7f950503b700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@738: Client 
> environment:os.arch=3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,130:4934(0x7f950503b700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@739: Client 
> environment:os.version=#1 SMP Tue Sep 15 15:05:51 UTC 2015
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,131:4934(0x7f950503b700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@747: Client 
> environment:user.name=(null)
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,131:4934(0x7f950503b700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@755: Client 
> environment:user.home=/root
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,131:4934(0x7f950503b700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@767: Client 
> environment:user.dir=/
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,131:4934(0x7f950503b700):ZOO_INFO@zookeeper_init@800: 
> Initiating client connection, 
> host=XXX1.YYY.ch:2181,XXX2.YYY.ch:2181,XXX3.YYY.ch:2181 sessionTimeout=10000 
> watcher=0x7f950ee20300 sessionId=0 sessionPasswd=<null> context=0x
> 7f94f0000c60 flags=0
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,134:4934(0x7f9501fd7700):ZOO_INFO@check_events@1728: 
> initiated connection to server [XX.YY.ZZ.WW:2181]
> 2017-01-12 23:22:10,146:4934(0x7f9501fd7700):ZOO_INFO@check_events@1775: 
> session establishment complete on server [XX.YY.ZZ.WW:2181
> ], sessionId=0x35828ae70fb2065, negotiated timeout=10000
> Any idea of what might be going on? Looks like an OOM, but I do not see it
> in /var/log/messages and it also happens with --oom-kill-disable.
> --
> Ciao,
> Giulio

Best Regards,
Haosdent Huang

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