> - When someone is using the Docker Containerizer what kind of isolation
> can be used and how Mesos handles it?

It's the default isolation that Docker engine provides. You can alter some
of those using ContainerInfo.DockerInfo.

- Custom isolators can be used both for Docker Containerizer and Mesos
> Containerizer or only in Mesos Containerizer?

Custom isolators only work for Mesos Containerizer currently.

- Is there any isolation between the executors under the same container
> when using Mesos Containerizer?

There should be only one executor per container.

 - A task is launched by command executor, default mesos executor, or
> custom executor. In each case task goes under the container of the
> executor? or a task and an executor are two different containers?

Tasks go under the container of the executor.

- Jie

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 8:18 AM, Thodoris Zois <z...@ics.forth.gr> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I have 4 questions, and i would be glad if someone can help..
> - When someone is using the Docker Containerizer what kind of isolation
> can be used and how Mesos handles it?
> - Custom isolators can be used both for Docker Containerizer and Mesos
> Containerizer or only in Mesos Containerizer?
> - Is there any isolation between the executors under the same container
> when using Mesos Containerizer?
> - A task is launched by command executor, default mesos executor, or
> custom executor. In each case task goes under the container of the
> executor? or a task and an executor are two different containers?
>   Because i saw an image (attached) on the book Apache Mesos Essentials
> and it actually confused me..
> Thank you very much,
> Thodoris

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