Hi all,
My apologies for the lack of emails during the last few months - I'm going
to try to get back into the routine! Here's your August update on recent
developments in the Mesos community, organized by working group:

This has continued to be an area of active development, with the following
features recently merged:

   - Automatic image garbage collection for Mesos containerizer
   - HDFS fetching of Docker images in Mesos containerizer
   - Auto cgroup support
   - Container cgroup FS mounts
   - Many bug fixes!

Find more info in the agenda/notes document

Performance improvements have landed in a variety of components within the
codebase including metrics, containerization, and resource allocation:

   - Faster generation of metrics snapshots
   - Benchmark testing of containerizer performance
   - Quota-related performance improvements in the allocator
   - Parallel processing of master state requests

More information is in the agenda/notes document

The biggest news on the community front is the progress on organizing the
next MesosCon! MesosCon 2018 will be held in New York City from Nov. 5-7.
Talk proposals are being accepted until Aug. 27th, submit yours at
https://mesoscon2018.org/ !

We also recently moved the Mesos repository to gitbox, which allows us to
integrate better with GitHub and will hopefully enable some improvements to
our committers' tooling in the near future.

More information in the agenda/notes document

Just a couple items to report here:

   - Persistent volumes can now be resized with the GROW and SHRINK_VOLUME
   - Per-framework metrics have been added which provide useful stats for
   every framework that registers with the master

More information in the agenda/notes document

Many thanks to Gastón Kleiman for spearheading this new working group! The
first meeting was held recently, with the next one coming up on Aug. 28 at
9am PST.

One notable change which came out of the first meeting is the movement of
the 'mesos_exporter' metrics processing tool into the Mesos GitHub org; it
can now be found at https://github.com/mesos/mesos_exporter.

More information in the agenda/notes document

Mesos 1.7.0
Chun-Hung and Gastón are managing the 1.7.0 release, which is just around
the corner! They're planning to cut the first release candidate on Monday,
Aug. 20th. Keep your eyes peeled for their email, and please help test and

That's it for this month, thanks for all the hard work everyone! See you at
the next working group meetings :)


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