Voted! Thanks Jörg and the PC!

On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 9:51 AM Jörg Schad <> wrote:

> Dear Mesos Community,
> Please take a few minutes over the next few days and review what members
> of the community have submitted for MesosCon 2018
> <> (which will be held in San Francisco between
> November 5th-7th)!
> To make voting easier, we structured the voting following the different
> tracks.
> Please visit the following links and submit your responses. Look through
> as few or as many talks as you'd like to, and give us your feedback on
> these talks.
> Core Track:
> Ecosystem Track:
> DC/OS Track:
> Frameworks Track:
> Operations Tracks:
> Misc Track:
> User Track:
> Please submit your votes until Wednesday, Sept 26th 11:59 PM PDT, so you
> have one week to vote and make your voice heard!
> Thank you for your help and looking forward to a great MesosCon!
> Your MesosCon PC

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