Hi folks,

As discussed in the Community WG meeting today, I wanted to send out a
proposal for updating the current support and release policy

Context: According to our release policy, the latest released version and
last 2 released versions are supported at any given time. With an expected
timeline of a minor release every 3 months, that means a minor release is
typically supported for 9 months. So far, we've indicated that a release is
unsupported by deleting the corresponding release branch in our repository.

The new proposal is as follows:

   - Keep the unsupported release branches and not delete them. Instead, we
   would make it clear in the CHANGELOG and also on the downloads
   <http://mesos.apache.org/downloads/> page in our website which releases
   are supported and which are not.
   - If a committer would like to backport a fix to an unsupported release
   branch, they can do so. Such a backport is not required but a committer can
   do it if they wish. Contributor and committer should've a dialog regarding
   - CI will keep running against both supported and unsupported release
   branches  (as it is today) and any issues that might arise will be fixed on
   a best effort basis.
   - A committer can ask a contributor to submit a backport review incase
   the backport is complicated. Our review tooling (post-reviews and
   reviewbot) will be updated to make this possible.

Based on our experience with the current policy in the last couple of years
and the reality of how some of the organizations are using Mesos, we
believe this tweaks will make it more practical and useful.

Please let us know your thoughts by replying here or chatting in #community
in our slack channel.

Vinod (on behalf of Community WG)

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