It there but with different name:

   - delay_seconds is the amount of time to wait until starting health
   checking the task
   - grace_period_seconds is the amount of time after the task is launched
   during which health check failures are ignored. Once a health check
   succeeds for the first time, the grace period does not apply anymore. Note
   that it includes delay_seconds, i.e., setting grace_period_seconds <
   delay_seconds has no effect

pon., 30 wrz 2019, 22:46 użytkownik Marc Roos <>

> I have a few tasks that take a while before they get started. Sendmail
> eg. Is not to happy you cannot set the hostname (in marathon) and then
> gives a timeout of 1 minute. I think there is something similar when
> starting openldap. If I enable a regular health check there, it will
> fail the task before it finished launching. Maybe it is interesting to
> add an option for this initDelay?
> {
>   "path": "/api/health",
>   "portIndex": 0,
>   "protocol": "MESOS_HTTP",
>   "initDelay": 60,              <====
>   "gracePeriodSeconds": 300,
>   "intervalSeconds": 60,
>   "timeoutSeconds": 20,
>   "maxConsecutiveFailures": 3
> }

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