Hello Mesos experts,

I'm trying to setup a master with two slaves on Fedora 29, using the RPM 
installation. I do have the following problems:

  1.  I cannot connect to my master on http://mymaster:5050. I get a connection 
  2.  Checking the logs I do see the following error message repeating 


W0606 23:11:35.007477 63540 authenticator.cpp:513] No credentials provided, 
authentication requests will be refused
W0606 23:11:45.004431 63539 group.cpp:495] Timed out waiting to connect to 
ZooKeeper. Forcing ZooKeeper session (sessionId=0) expiration
W0606 23:11:45.004431 63548 group.cpp:495] Timed out waiting to connect to 
ZooKeeper. Forcing ZooKeeper session (sessionId=0) expiration

And using journalctl -xe -u mesos-master:

Jun 06 23:13:55 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
23:13:55,021:63521(0x7fb642dc5700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@764: Client 
Jun 06 23:13:55 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
23:13:55,021:63521(0x7fb642dc5700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@765: Client 
Jun 06 23:13:55 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
23:13:55,021:63521(0x7fb642dc5700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@766: Client 
environment:os.version=#1 SMP Thu Jan 24 14:38:07 EST 2019
Jun 06 23:13:55 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
23:13:55,021:63521(0x7fb642dc5700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@774: Client 
Jun 06 23:13:55 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
23:13:55,021:63521(0x7fb642dc5700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@782: Client 
Jun 06 23:13:55 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
23:13:55,021:63521(0x7fb642dc5700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@794: Client 
Jun 06 23:13:55 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
23:13:55,021:63521(0x7fb642dc5700):ZOO_INFO@zookeeper_init@827: Initiating 
client connection, host=mymaster:2181 sessionTimeout=10000 
watcher=0x7fb64ebbfa20 sessionId=0 sessionPasswd=<null> context=0x7fb634000ec0 
Jun 06 23:13:55 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server 
refused to accept the client
Jun 06 23:13:58 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server 
refused to accept the client
Jun 06 23:13:58 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server 
refused to accept the client
Jun 06 23:13:58 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server 
refused to accept the client
Jun 06 23:13:58 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server 
refused to accept the client
Jun 06 23:14:01 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server 
refused to accept the client
Jun 06 23:14:01 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server 
refused to accept the client
Jun 06 23:14:01 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server 
refused to accept the client
Jun 06 23:14:01 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: 2020-06-06 
Socket [] zk retcode=-4, errno=111(Connection refused): server 
refused to accept the client
Jun 06 23:14:05 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: W0606 23:14:05.020342 63552 
group.cpp:495] Timed out waiting to connect to ZooKeeper. Forcing ZooKeeper 
session (sessionId=0) expiration
Jun 06 23:14:05 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: W0606 23:14:05.020349 63539 
group.cpp:495] Timed out waiting to connect to ZooKeeper. Forcing ZooKeeper 
session (sessionId=0) expiration
Jun 06 23:14:05 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: W0606 23:14:05.020350 63540 
group.cpp:495] Timed out waiting to connect to ZooKeeper. Forcing ZooKeeper 
session (sessionId=0) expiration
Jun 06 23:14:05 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: I0606 23:14:05.020401 63552 
group.cpp:511] ZooKeeper session expired
Jun 06 23:14:05 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: I0606 23:14:05.020416 63539 
group.cpp:511] ZooKeeper session expired
Jun 06 23:14:05 mymaster mesos-master[63536]: I0606 23:14:05.020434 63540 
group.cpp:511] ZooKeeper session expired

I have agents running on two different machines and they claim they can see the 
master. I went through the documentation and I'm not sure what I'm missing.

My '/etc/mesos/zk' has the right URI (not localhost):


Any suggestions?



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