Hi All:

I am new to Apache MetaModel and trying to implement a POC in the project I am 
working on.

We have the need to query database tables with composite keys using the key. 
Simple lookup of one object is easy by adding appropriate FilterItem to Query. 
I am aware of how to create composite FilterItem using child FilterItem list 
and appropriate logical operator.

In the API docs or by going through MetaModel project code, so far I am unable 
to figure out how to create a Query object to do something like this:

select col1, col2, col3, col4
from my_table
where (col1, col2) in ((1, 'abc'), (2, 'xyz'));

Any help would be appreciated.

I was also wondering if this is even supported. I understand that composite 
keys may not be supported by all data stores Apache MetaModel works with. At 
this point my primary concern is JDBC data stores.


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