
On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 10:02 AM, Frank Horsfall <> wrote:

> Do you mean this one on port 4200?
> *From:* Ryan Merriman []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 13, 2017 10:53 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Grok Parser issues
> You're better off using our management UI, it runs the same code that the
> parser topology does.  I would start small with just a couple expressions
> (something like "blah_DELIMITED %{MONTH:month}") and ensure you're at
> least getting back the month.  Then you can incrementally add more on until
> you find out where your problem is.
> Ryan
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Frank Horsfall <
>> wrote:
> Morning all,
> Is anyone else seeing this error?
> After successfully going through the telemetry tutorial with squid (
> Adding+a+New+Telemetry+Data+Source )  I started  the exercise of creating
> a new telemetry based on a data set I wish to use.
> Test data
> Jul 28 00:13:24 device1 connection|5287|accept|tcp|
> httpd|1501200799.33||1084||80
> Jul 28 00:13:44 device1 connection|5289|accept|tcp|
> httpd|1501200814.55||1126||80
> Jul 28 00:13:44 device1 connection|5288|accept|tcp|
> httpd|1501200808.64||1116||80
> Jul 28 00:59:49 device1 connection|5296|accept|tcp|
> httpd|1501203587.76||1556||80
> Grok statement
> blah_DELIMITED %{MONTH:month} %{MONTHDAY:day}
> %{HOUR:hour}:%{MINUTE:minute}:%{SECOND:seconds} %{WORD:hostname}
> %{WORD:script}.%{WORD:extension}: %{WORD:connection}\|%{NUMBER:
> number}\|%{WORD:type}\|%{WORD:transport}\|%{WORD:protocol}\|
> %{NUMBER:timestamp}\|%{IP:ip_src_addr}\|%{NUMBER:src_port}\
> |%{IP:ip_dst_addr}\|%{NUMBER:dst_port}
> I tested the pattern at the Grok site
> Added the pattern to hdfs
> [hdfs@metn1 ~]$  hadoop fs -cat  /apps/metron/patterns/blah
> blah_DELIMITED %{MONTH:month} %{MONTHDAY:day}
> %{HOUR:hour}:%{MINUTE:minute}:%{SECOND:seconds} %{WORD:hostname}
> %{WORD:script}.%{WORD:extension}: %{WORD:connection}\|%{NUMBER:
> number}\|%{WORD:type}\|%{WORD:transport}\|%{WORD:protocol}\|
> %{NUMBER:timestamp}\|%{IP:ip_src_addr}\|%{NUMBER:src_port}\
> |%{IP:ip_dst_addr}\|%{NUMBER:dst_port}
> *Dump of zookeeper*
> PARSER Config: blah
> {
> "parserClassName": "org.apache.metron.parsers.GrokParser",
> "sensorTopic": "blah",
> "parserConfig": {
> "grokPath": "/apps/metron/patterns/dionaea",
> "patternLabel": "blah_DELIMITED",
> "timestampField": "timestamp"
> }
> }
> INDEXING Config: blah
> {
>    "elasticsearch": {
>       "index": "blah",
>       "batchSize": 5,
>       "enabled": true
>       },
>    "hdfs": {
>       "index": "blah",
>       "batchSize": 5,
>       "enabled" : true
>    },
>    "solr": {
>       "index": "blah",
>       "batchSize": 5,
>       "enabled" : false
>    }
> }
> ENRICHMENT Config: blah
> {
>   "enrichment" : {
>     "fieldMap":
>       {
>       "geo": ["ip_dst_addr", "ip_src_addr"],
>       "host": ["host"]
>     }
>   },
>   "threatIntel": {
>     "fieldMap":
>       {
>       "hbaseThreatIntel": ["ip_src_addr", "ip_dst_addr"]
>     },
>     "fieldToTypeMap":
>       {
>       "ip_src_addr" : ["malicious_ip"],
>       "ip_dst_addr" : ["malicious_ip"]
>     }
>   }
> }
> *Nifi is set up and passes correctly.  But when I get to the parserBolt
> an error occurs.*
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Grok parser Error: Grok statement
> produced a null message. Original message was: Jul 28 00:13:24 device1
> connection|5287|accept|tcp|httpd|1501200799.33||1084||80
> and the parsed message was: {} . Check the pattern at:
> /apps/metron/patterns/dionaea on Jul 28 00:13:24 device1
> connection|5287|accept|tcp|httpd|1501200799.33||1084||80
> at org.apache.metron.parsers.GrokParser.parse( at
> org.apache.metron.parsers.interfaces.MessageParser.
> parseOptional( at org.apache.metron.parsers.
> bolt.ParserBolt.execute( at org.apache.storm.daemon.
> executor$fn__6573$tuple_action_fn__6575.invoke(executor.clj:734) at
> org.apache.storm.daemon.executor$mk_task_receiver$fn__6494.invoke(executor.clj:466)
> at 
> org.apache.storm.disruptor$clojure_handler$reify__6007.onEvent(disruptor.clj:40)
> at 
> org.apache.storm.utils.DisruptorQueue.consumeBatchToCursor(
> at 
> org.apache.storm.utils.DisruptorQueue.consumeBatchWhenAvailable(
> at 
> org.apache.storm.disruptor$consume_batch_when_available.invoke(disruptor.clj:73)
> at 
> org.apache.storm.daemon.executor$fn__6573$fn__6586$fn__6639.invoke(executor.clj:853)
> at org.apache.storm.util$async_loop$fn__554.invoke(util.clj:484) at
> at
> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Grok statement produced a null
> message. Original message was: Jul 28 00:13:24 device1
> connection|5287|accept|tcp|httpd|1501200799.33||1084||80
> and the parsed message was: {} . Check the pattern at:
> /apps/metron/patterns/dionaea at org.apache.metron.parsers.
> GrokParser.parse( ... 12 more
> Any ideas?
> Kindest regards,
> Frank

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