so i must restart the datanodes one by one. and set only one master node
Ok i got it. thank you so much James for your explanation. i will try it

On Thu, 12 Oct 2017 at 21.55 James Sirota <> wrote:

> You have to restart the ES cluster in a rolling fashion. Meaning restart
> one data node, then the other, then the other, etc. If you restart them all
> at once, this will happen
> 11.10.2017, 19:37, "tkg_cangkul" <>:
> First time i install metron on cluster, i just only set one master node.
> But there are many problems when recovery starts. after i restart the ES
> cluster, sometimes there are some nodes that disconnected randomly from
> cluster when recovery proccess. When i set 3 master nodes, the disconnected
> node problem before was solved.
> On 12/10/17 08:13, James Sirota wrote:
> Your problem is that all your master nodes are also your data nodes. For
> such a small cluster you have to make one master node and the rest of the
> nodes would be data nodes. Ideally you don't want to colocate master nodes
> and data nodes. If you fix that I think it should work
> 10.10.2017, 19:50, "tkg_cangkul" <>
> <>:
> Hi James,
> Thanks for your reply,
> This is the output of the API's :
> For GET /_cluster/allocation/ API, there is an error like below :
> For your information, I'm using Elasticsearch 2.3.3
> On 10/10/17 23:49, James Sirota wrote:
> I suspect your Elasticsearch may be in a bad state. If you are using
> Chrome, can you download the sense plugin and then run the following
> commands:
> GET /_cluster/health?pretty
> GET _cat/pending_tasks?v
> GET /_cat/nodes?v
> GET /_cluster/allocation/
> And paste the output here?
> Thanks,
> James
> 09.10.2017, 22:25, "tkg_cangkul" <>
> <>:
> Hi,
> anyone have experienced with query heavy data on metron dashboard?
> i have 30Gb data. But when i try to load it all with metron dashboard in
> kibana, i have an error msg like below:
> *Request Timeout after 30000ms *and then after that i've got this error
> msg too :
> *Caused by: EsRejectedExecutionException[rejected execution of
> org.elasticsearch.transport.netty.MessageChannelHandler$RequestHandler@eba98f2
> on EsThreadPoolExecutor[search, queue capacity = 100,
> org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.EsThreadPoolExecutor@52fd7ae9[Running,
> pool size = 20, active threads = 20, queued tasks = 100, completed tasks =
> 192656]]] *For your information,
> my ES heap is 10Gb
> with 3 master and 4 datanodes.
> Pls advice,
> Best Regards,
> -------------------
> Thank you,
> James Sirota
> PMC- Apache Metron
> jsirota AT apache DOT org
> -------------------
> Thank you,
> James Sirota
> PMC- Apache Metron
> jsirota AT apache DOT org
> -------------------
> Thank you,
> James Sirota
> PMC- Apache Metron
> jsirota AT apache DOT org

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