One time, I saw an issue where the flume agent did not have the correct
to access the csv, so died a horrible death.

We don’t use flume any longer however.  I would want to take a look at the
log files
for what is reading the snort csv.

I believe the script is used now.  I am not sure
about the logs,
but maybe you can try to run that manually and see the output?

On March 22, 2017 at 11:38:53, tkg_cangkul ( wrote:

anyone can help me to solved this?

On 22/03/17 15:24, tkg_cangkul wrote:

hi, i've try to using snort as a sensor on metron in my ambari cluster.
now i've a problem. the snort topology doesn't emitted the data
i must send the messages to kafka manually to emitted the data.

*cat /var/log/snort/alert.csv | bin/ --broker-list
localhost:6667 --topic snort*

any suggest about this?

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