
I'm trying at the moment to get Excorcist to replicate content from one DB to another (yes, I'm the Berlin guy :-) and (who would have guessed?) I'm having some problems:

-it changes the hostname in the new database, which of course causes the site not to function any longer

-every time I replicate, it adds all parameters for all topics again (which also causes the site not longer to function), e.g. replicating four times creates four midcom component parameters for each topic

-In the log files, there is a long list of messages in this form:

Broken link: 166c18fefc8c65192f82c2de4b64ae65

-apart from the above, it doesn't do much, at least I can't see any update of the actual content happening, at least as far as Style Elements (which is what I'm trying to replicate) are concerned

-when live2staging is called (which is in the default staging2live.sh script), the same happens with the staging databse, breaking this site as well

If anyone knows the solution to those problems, I'd be most greatful to hear about it. Copying each change between the two databses by hand isn't exactly fun (and deleting all the duplicate parameters by hand isn't either).

A few remarks for Bergie's howto:

Apart from staging2live.xml, live2staging.xml has also to be editied (although I'm not exactly sure what it's good for) and in staging2live.sh, the JAVA_HOME must be set to match the local setup



Adding sound to movies would be like putting lipstick on the Venus de Milo.
--Mary Pickford, 1925

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