Seppo Sahi wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone give me some pointers on how to do authentication with midgard?
> I need to simply verify that a person with correct ViewerGroup
> permissions has logged in. If that is not the case then redirect to
> login page. No need for great security, just the simplest possible
> solution that works.
> My current situation is that my site gives “Error 401: Unauthorized”
> whenever person with incorrect UserGroup permissions tries to access
> page. Instead I would like to have a login page shown.

Are you making something like an extranet? If so, I'd recommend you
doing this in a bit different way. ViewerGroups is handled in very early
state (before sending HTML headers). One problem is also that
'midcom-template' is run only after checking the ViewerGroups, which
makes it impossible to override headers set by Midgard.

There is a nice workaround, which allows you to stay in the original
URI. You could have something like this set in <(ROOT)> style element:


if (substr($_MIDGARD['uri'], 0, 8) !== 'extranet' || $_MIDGARD['user'])


and then create a style element called 'login':


<form method="POST" action="&(midgard.uri);">
  <legend>Protie login</legend>
  <label for="midcom-template-username">
   <input type="text" name="midcom_site[username]"
id="midcom-template-username" size="20" />
  <label for="midcom-template-password">
  <input type="password" name="midcom_site[password]"
id="midcom-template-password" size="20" />
  <input class="loginform-submit-button" type="submit"
name="midcom_site[login]" value="Login" />
  <div class="disclaimer">
   This site uses the secure NemeinAuthentication library for
   Please ensure that your browser allows cookies to be set by this server.


You can see that this method relies on URI name spacing and is in this
example set for the first level node 'extranet'. This isn't a handy way
to deal with AIS, since you have to hard-code the parts which require

If someone has a better idea, I wouldn't mind hearing it.

> BTW. Is there a bug in AIS when setting UserGroup permissions. The
> folder always disappears from the navigation whenever I change it’s
> UserGroup permission.

It shouldn't disappear if you have logged in but yes, it will disappear
if ViewerGroups is set to a group the person viewing doesn't belong to.
This you can take as a feature.

Arttu Manninen

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