Done for 1.2 and trunk. Hopefully not too late for inclusion in the 1.2 
release. Please, do test the trunk patch as i couldn't as of yet.

On Wednesday 08 September 2010 13:12:49 Julien Nioche wrote:
> > Perhaps someone could give a pointer on how to read a configuration
> > setting for a plug-in and where to store the setting (Nutch config or
> > plugin.xml) and
> > i might actually write my first Java code again since four years!
> You'd typically do that by adding something like
> *
> conf.getBoolean("moreIndexingFilter.indexMimeTypeParts", true);*
> to the method *setConf(Configuration conf)*
> then use the boolean accordingly in the method addType()
> The value for *moreIndexingFilter.indexMimeTypeParts *can then be specified
> like any other Nutch param i.e. using nutch-site.xml or on the command line
> with -D
> Please submit a patch for both 1.2 and the trunk
> Thanks
> Julien

Markus Jelsma - Technisch Architect - Buyways BV
050-8536620 / 06-50258350

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