I don't know about Eclipse but you can safely run different versions on the 
same machine. Depending on what changed between versions (perhaps a 
incompatible change in the CrawlDB of whatever) i'd not share the generated 
data and config.

On Friday, October 08, 2010 07:06:22 pm MilleBii wrote:
> Long time no talk on this mailing list... server just running fine. 2mio
> URLs so nice.
> I have a new project in mind, I'd like to use Nutch 1.2 as the latest &
> greatest basis,
> Can I have the two versions loaded on my dev PC/Eclipse without
> interference with each other ?
> Because I want to keep the old project as is for now.
> Of course for production I will have it on two different server, as you can
> not run multiple instances on nutch on the same sever/cluster.

Markus Jelsma - CTO - Openindex
050-8536600 / 06-50258350

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