Hi Ian,

There is an older well used script [0] which we moved to the aerchive
section of the wiki to clean it up a bit.

If you browse around there you should be able to manufacture something
custom for your needs with little overhead. You may also wish to scrutinise
the current command line options [1] which may need to be added to any
script to suit your requirements.



[1] http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/CommandLineOptions

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Ian Piper <ianpi...@me.com> wrote:

> Yes, I had read that tutorial and used it to get to where I am. It's very
> confusing, alas. It's unfortunate that this is the most clear description
> that I could find, because it (like others that I have found) assumes a
> large amount of prior knowledge. There doesn't seem to be a clear,
> step-by-step description in layman's language.
> Thanks anyway.
> Ian.
> --

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