Hi Tony,

you have to "register" your plugin in

Does your
properly propagate jar file,
extension point and implementing class?

And, finally, you have to add your plugin
to the property plugin.includes in nutch-site.xml


On 06/12/2013 07:48 PM, Tony Mullins wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying simple ParseFilter plugin in Nutch 2.2. And I can build it and
> also the src>plugin>build.xml successfully. But its .jar file is not being
> created in my runtime>local>plugins>myplugin directory.
> And on running
> "bin/nutch parsechecker http://www.google.nl";
>  I get this error " java.lang.RuntimeException:
> org.apache.nutch.plugin.PluginRuntimeException:
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> com.xyz.nutch.selector.HtmlElementSelectorFilter"
> If I go to MyNutch2.2Source/build/myplugin , I can see plugin's jar with
> test & classes directory created there. If I copy .jar  from here and paste
> it to my runtime>local>plugins>myplugin directory with plugin.xml file then
> too I get the same exception of class not found.
> I have not made any changes in src>plugin>build-plugin.xml.
> Could you please guide me that what is I am doing wrong here ?
> Thanks,
> Tony

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