Reason is we want to give some urls preference over others.

Manish Verma

> On Jan 21, 2016, at 12:54 PM, Markus Jelsma < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hello Manish - Nutch does not directly support such as feature out of the 
> box, but you could add something like this via a custom scoring filter, see 
> the scoring filter interface and implementors for examples. But, why do you 
> need this? There is a good chance you might not need it.
> Markus 
> -----Original message-----
>> From:Manish Verma < <>>
>> Sent: Thursday 21st January 2016 21:42
>> To: <>
>> Subject: Adding Weightage To URLs Matching Some Patteren
>> Hi,
>> I am using notch 1.10 and want to add some weightage to Urls based on some 
>> Url patteren . For example if the Url is matching some Url pattern then will 
>> add more weightage.
>> Do we already have some in Nutch 1.10 
>> Thanks Manish

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