Hello - see inline.

-----Original message-----
> From:Tomasz <polish.software.develo...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday 25th February 2016 11:28
> To: user@nutch.apache.org
> Subject: Invertlinks and readlinkdb commands
> Hello,
> Just what to be sure about link inversion.
> When I run
> bin/nutch invertlinks linkdb some_segment
> it adds specified segment to linkdb preserving existing data, running
> bin/nutch invertlinks linkdb -dir some_parent_segment_dir
> adds all segments do linkdb preserving data.
> When I want to create fresh new linkdb the -dir argument does the job (it
> will fill linkdb from all segments) and there is no need to run invertlinks
> for each segment separately. Is that correct?

Yes, that is correct. Unless you use the LinkDB for indexing those segments. If 
you index anchors, you should update the linkdb before indexing.

> Btw. is there a way to use wildcards with readlinkdb -url argument? Sth
> like that:
> bin/nutch readlinkdb linkdb -url http://www.xyz.com/* to get all inlinks
> pointing to xyz.com

No i don't think so but it should not be hard to implement such a feature.

> Regards,
> Tomasz

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