try changing the port to hdfs://localhost:54310

On Thursday 03 March 2016 06:45 PM, Auro Miralles wrote:
Markus is right, you must remove the port 9000 on that property.

-----Original message-----
Sent: Saturday 27th February 2016 19:34
Subject: Nutch 1.12 (snapshot) and Hadoop 2.6.2


I've been digging all day long to find a solution for
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong FS. and didn't succeed.

Hadoop is configured properly (successfully finished some example tasks),
but when I try to run Nutch inject I get the exception:

ERROR crawl.Injector: Injector: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong
FS: hdfs://localhost:9000/user/ubuntu/inject-temp-764018072, expected:
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.checkPath(

Hadoop core-site.xml is within a classpath and reads:

Anybody with the same issue? Thanks.



Please let me know if you have any questions , concerns or updates.
Have a great day ahead :)

Thanks and Regards,

Kshitij Shukla
Software developer

*Cyber Infrastructure(CIS)
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