No release date yet. In the past we tried to release 1.x twice per year.
Nutch 1.13 has been released in April, so October would be good.

Right now, there are two important improvements which should make it into 1.14:
I hope these are done soon...


On 09/19/2017 06:28 PM, Sol Lederman wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> When will Nutch 1.14 be released?
> Thanks.
> Sol
> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 8:21 AM, Sebastian Nagel <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> The combination Nutch 1.13/Solr 6.6.0 does definitely not work as
>> described in the tutorial.
>> Yes, the tutorial was already changed to reflect the upcoming 1.14 release.
>> I've added a matrix to
>> which lists the Solr version Nutch is build against. These are guaranteed
>> to work,
>> although a close version of Solr may also run. Feel free to complete or
>> fix the description
>> in the tutorial. Thanks!
>> In doubt, the Solr version Nutch is build against is defined by the solrj
>> jar
>> shipped as part of the indexer-solr plugin:
>>   apache-nutch-*.*/plugins/indexer-solr/solr-solrj-*.jar
>> This version is also tested, including the schema.xml shipped in
>>   apache-nutch-*.*/conf/
>> Thanks,
>> Sebastian
>> On 09/15/2017 09:13 PM, Hiran CHAUDHURI wrote:
>>> Hello Sol.
>>>> *Hi,*
>>>> *If someone would help me to get past this error that I get when I
>> follow the nutch tutorial >then I will be very grateful and i will happily
>> update the tutorial to be clearer and current.*
>>>>   - *nutch:* org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.
>> common.SolrException:
>>>>   Could not load conf for core nutch: Can't load schema
>>>>   /home/XXXXXX/apache-solr/solr-6.6.1/server/solr/nutch/conf/
>> schema.xml:
>>>>   Plugin init failure for [schema.xml] fieldType "text_general": Plugin
>> init
>>>>   failure for [schema.xml] analyzer/filter: Error instantiating class:
>>>>   'org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.StopFilterFactory'
>>>> I have googled and I see a number of references to this problem. It
>> seems like there is some > compatibility issue between different versions
>> of Solr.
>>> Have you seen the message I just sent onto this list? It is about the
>> same problem, although I did not see the error message that you got.
>>>> Rather than bang on it and make it work, I'd like to understand what
>> versions the tutorial
>>>> expects and how to make the tutorial work for my nutch 1.13/solr 6.6.1
>> install in a clean way
>>>> so that I can document it.
>>> My installation refers to Solr 6.6.0 (maybe that is the reason why you
>> see a different error), but I am also not sure which tutorial you were
>> following. Meanwhile I found that
>>> here they say
>>> "N.B. at time of writing this tutorial works with Solr 6.6.0"
>>> but at the same time they do not list which version of Nutch was used.
>>> The combination Nutch 1.13/Solr 6.6.0 does definitely not work as
>> described in the tutorial.
>>> Hiran

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