Many thanks for this vignesh.  I look forward to your guide on the wiki!

vignesh sabapathi wrote:
Hi OFBizers
After surfing the posts i could'nt find much info abt OFBiz4.0 clustering.
Few members raised some issues in retaining shopping cart items during
session replication. We are looking into that issue..
As an alternative i m posting here the way to do clustering and session
replication in OFBiz4.0 by deploying OFBiz4.0 in external tomcat (By this
way the shopping cart items can be retained)

Following are the steps to be done

step 1 : create a template (as same as for ofbiz9.0 deployment in tomcat) step 2 : Deploy ofbiz in tomcat (i tried with tomcat 6.0.16)
step 3 : Cluster tomcat instances (i used 2 tomcat instances)
step 4:  Enable session replication by changing the configurations in
server.xml file in all the nodes (use backup manager to retain cart items
during session replication)
step 5 : Enable Apache with mod_jk support
step 6 : configure Apache (create and change the
configurations of httpd.conf and ssl.conf) to load balance tomcat servers
Step 7 : check all the functions are working with lamba probe tool

Hav a happy clustering

i wil try to upload a file detailing all the activities later on


vignesh sabapathi
mailto :
mobile : 9930081383

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