Yes exactly, It depends on case to case, What to use when.

Divesh Dutta.

Hemanth Kumar Kanamarlapudi wrote:
Hi All,

I have tried in another developer system and it worked well. I need to figure 
out the problem in my local environment.
For your information,
We should not use run-install because it will override all the new changes done 
in the db.

Hi Priya,
Thanks for helping out.


-----Original Message-----
From: Divesh Dutta [] Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: How to create a new entity

Hi Hemanth,

Restarting the OFBiz will not solve your purpose. ant run-install will be your friend, in that case.

Divesh Dutta.

Hemanth Kumar Kanamarlapudi wrote:
Hi All,

I have added a new entity definition in an existing entitymodel.xml which is 
already loaded through ofbiz-component.xml

<entity entity-name="trackUserSource" package-name=""
            title="Track User Source Entity" >
            <field name="trackId" type="id-ne"/>
            <field name="source" type="long-varchar"/>
            <field name="medium" type="long-varchar"/>
            <field name="campaign" type="long-varchar"/>
            <field name="userId" type="long-varchar"/>
            <field name="pid" type="long-varchar"/>
            <prim-key field="trackId"/>

But I am not able to create this object when I restart ofbiz.

Your quick help is appreciated.

Thanks & Regards


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