The only reason I can see why you'd get an NPE on that line is if denylistrcd 
were null.  GenericValue won't throw an NPE on a call to getString().


On 29/06/2011, at 12:28 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:

> I am calling a new routine from
> So I am not down to the log4 level yet.
> denylist = delegator.findList("VisitFllter", EntityCondition
>       .makeCondition(exprs, EntityOperator.AND), null, null,
>                                       null, Boolean.FALSE);
> while (denylistitr.hasNext()&&status == Boolean.FALSE) {
>  GenericValue denylistrcd = (GenericValue);
> I am getting a
> java.lang.NullPointerException on this line
> String remoteHoststr =denylistrcd.getString("remoteHost");
> it works find it the field is not null
> Scott Gray sent the following on 6/28/2011 3:55 PM:
>> You'll have to provide more detail about the error, but 
>> GenericEntity.getXXX(...) doesn't really throw any sort of exceptions.
>> Regards
>> Scott
>> HotWax Media
>> On 29/06/2011, at 10:45 AM, BJ Freeman wrote:
>>> I know you can, through expressions, setup null_field parms.
>>> I have a field as a string and do a GenericValue.getString("fieldname")
>>> and it throws a null exception.
>>> what I am looking for is to go through I iteration and check if the
>>> field is empty(null).
>>> is there something I missed?

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