If this and the rental item topic are things that you plan on committing then 
the discussion really belongs in the dev list.


On 30/08/2011, at 4:30 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

> this is the service to a product the customer delivers adhoc, not the
> products owned by the company. so not sure how assetmaint can help
> here....?
> Regards,
> Hans
> On Mon, 2011-08-29 at 21:07 -0700, BJ Freeman wrote:
>> we all ready have Product type service.
>> suggest move the assetmaint code to more generic and associate the
>> assets and to others that need this type of service.
>> this give core code for services that can be expanded.
>> Hans Bakker sent the following on 8/29/2011 7:52 PM:
>>> I would like to suggest a new product type:
>>> 'Service product'
>>> Tangible item(s) will be brought in which need to be serviced.
>>> A service here can be cleaning or repairing or servicing
>>> These items are listed on the order with or without a price taken from
>>> the product catalog. The order will list a delivery date when the
>>> cleaned/repaired items will be delivered.
>>> Any ideas how to handle this?
>>> Regards,
>>> Hans
> -- 
> Ofbiz on twitter: http://twitter.com/apache_ofbiz
> Myself on twitter: http://twitter.com/hansbak
> Antwebsystems.com: Quality services for competitive rates.

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