
We're more than happy to consider this type of contribution back to the trunk.

C: 516.901.1720

On Apr 5, 2012, at 10:46 PM, Sam Hamilton <> wrote:

Hi Nick,

If its Apache licensed why don't you commit things like your Solr improvements back into trunk and help move the whole project forward?


On 6 Apr 2012, at 02:25, Nick Rosser wrote:

Apache open license. Interested in your thoughts.

C: 516.901.1720

On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:57 PM, Scott Gray <> wrote:

Hi Nick,

Any progress on the licensing situation for the project? As an OFBiz committer I can't really look at your code without fear of tainting my open source work until I know what the license is.


On 30/03/2012, at 4:19 AM, Nick Rosser wrote:

OFBiz users,

Over the last 2 months we've made many changes to our OFBiz/ BigFish platform. The latest is available at .

In particular, click on "Demo" and check out the Fashion-House and Electronic-Store demos (both the eComm implementation and the Admin Module).


* many enhancements, bug fixes
* A "content library"
 o a container for generic content that can be re-used within any
   other content
* Multi Currency
o The Electronic Store demo is focused on the India market (Rupees)
 o eComm and Admin module will honor the setting
* Guest Checkout
 o set a parameter and guest checkout is enabled
* pick-up-in-store
 o ties the check-out process to the store-locator
 o configure to also take payment or collect monies later
 o dashboard in Admin module changed to separate online orders with
   pick-in-store orde
* PLP (Product Listing Page) content spots
 o allow for a content spot at the top of the page; bottom of the
   page; in the facet panel (top or bottom)
 o by category

We are finishing up some interesting enhancements that will be available within the next 1-2 weeks, specifically:

* "variant" processing, example:
 o fashion house demo
 o click on apparel / blouses
o see color "swatches", click on it and you see the appropriate image
 o click on "beige-tan" on the facets and the beige-tan variant
   image is displayed
 o same for PDP (Product Detail Page)
* Home Page "carousel"
 o user managed content that can be displayed in a flexible
   rotating "carousel"
 o the implementation is designed as such that any content can use
   the carousel display
* Mega Menus
 o the ability to override the standard BF drop-down from the main
   navigation bar
 o and have a "mega menu" display
 o Fashion-House demo will illustrate this shortly

As always, feedback always welcome. Thanks.

Best Regards,

Nick Rosser
O: 516.742.7888 x221
C: 516.901.1720

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