Please don't try and tell me what I believe, I have no problem with you posting 
to the dev list so long as you're contributing and not asking basic questions.

But nobody else cross posts and most of us subscribe to both lists.  You've 
done this repeatedly over the last few weeks, I understand that you think your 
messages are very important but I can assure you they are no more important 
that anyone else's and we all seem to get by just fine by choosing one list to 
post our messages to.  It's just basic netiquette.


On 8/05/2012, at 8:46 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:

> Scott,
> Contrary to what you and Jacopo (see
> this<>)
> believe, the developer mailing is for the developers of the project. That
> means intended for anyone participating in developing code ánd the
> community. It is not the
> Only-for-committers-who-do-code-only-and-where-other-communitiy-members-may-only-ask-limited-questions-per-issue"
> mailing list.
> Some community members may have chosen to only read the dev mail. I want to
> invite them as well to pariticpate in the "Help OFBiz Help"-day.
> Pierre
> 2012/5/7 Scott Gray <>
>> Please stop posting to both lists.
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> On 8/05/2012, at 1:54 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Did you know that OFBiz contains a solution delivering a help to each
>>> screen accessed? And do you use it?
>>> Currently for following applications/components help is available:
>>>  - Accounting
>>>  - Commonext
>>>  - Content
>>>  - Humanres
>>>  - Marketing
>>>  - Order
>>>  - Party
>>>  - Product
>>>  - SpecialPurpose/Ebay
>>>  - SpecialPurpose/EbayStore
>>>  - SpecialPurpose/Example
>>>  - SpecialPurpose/Googlebase
>>>  - SpecialPurpose/ProjectMgr
>>>  - SpecialPurpose/Scrum
>>> But, the help documents aren't complete (and in several cases not
>>> up-to-date) and for some applications/components totally missing (e.g.
>>> manufacturing). Also, documents mainly exist in English (only a few
>>> documents are in e.g. Dutch, Italian of French).
>>> As you would probably agree, the help document for a screen should be the
>>> first place to look when an end-user looks for help.
>>> What if we create a dedicated 'Help-OFBiz-Help' moment to improve and
>>> extend the help documents?
>>> Create the structure for applications that don't have it currently,
>> create
>>> the missing English documents for each screen accessible, embed it in the
>>> help structure and extend the localized versions?
>>> How do you feel about this plan? Please provide your feedback/thoughts on
>>> this and how you can contribute, in order for us to establish a plan.
>>> Regards,
>>> Pierre

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