
do you mean this Prezi from Jad El Omeiri?

Am 28.05.15 um 16:52 schrieb Todd Thorner:
I'm pretty much sitting this one out (seems to have jumped right into
the tech selection and I don't understand OFBiz well enough yet to be
useful as a writer-contributor so I wouldn't be able to offer much
quality input), but for what it's worth the most important
considerations for a typing architecture are:

1. The project's business needs (e.g. "No XML files!")
2. Making sure the single-sourced files can be puked out into as many
useful end user formats as possible (e.g. context-sensitive help, wiki,
3. Making sure a maximum number of writer-contributors can hit the
proverbial ground running without needing to learn new processes

One thing I can offer for now is editing skills, but that involves
potential toe-stepping.  Perhaps I could transform that solid Prezi
presentation into Sozi format so its SVG output could be embedded into
any OFBiz web page.  If the original author is cool with that (can't
remember who it was), let me know.

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